We are hiring new doctoral researchers, student research assistants, and tutors. Apply now!
2 papers accepted at ASE 2024: BenchCloud and CoVeriTeam GUI

Talks of year 2023

Theses and projects (PhD, MSc, BSc, Project)

  1. Benedikt Damböck. Verification of Java Programs with Exceptions with CPAchecker. 12. December 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): CPAchecker, Software Verification Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @misc{DamboeckJavaExceptionsCPAchecker, author = {Benedikt Damböck}, title = {Verification of Java Programs with Exceptions with CPAchecker}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-12-06_MA_Verification_of_Java_Programs_with_Exceptions_with_CPAchecker_Damboeck.pdf}, keyword = {CPAchecker, Software Verification}, day = {12}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {December}, }

Guest lectures, invited talks, and tutorials

  1. Dirk Beyer. Explicit-State Software Model Checking Based on CEGAR and Interpolation (Test-of-Time Award Presentation). Invited talk at ETAPS 2023 – European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, 27. April 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Software Model Checking, CPAchecker Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @invitedtalk{ETAPS23ExplicitState, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Explicit-State Software Model Checking Based on CEGAR and Interpolation (Test-of-Time Award Presentation)}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-04-27_ETAPS23-TestOfTimeAward_Explicit_State_Software_Model_Checking_Based_on_CEGAR_and_Interpolation_Dirk.pdf}, keyword = {Software Model Checking, CPAchecker}, day = {27}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {April}, venue = {<a href="https://etaps.org/2023/">ETAPS 2023 – European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software</a>}, }

Conference and other Presentations

  1. Thomas Lemberger. Real-World Software Verification with CPAchecker. Conference talk at AVM, 13. September 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Software Model Checking, CPAchecker Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{AVM23-RealWorldCpachecker, author = {Thomas Lemberger}, title = {Real-World Software Verification with CPAchecker}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-09-13_AVM23_Real_World_Verification_with_CPAchecker_Thomas.pdf}, keyword = {Software Model Checking, CPAchecker}, day = {13}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {September}, venue = {AVM}, }
  2. Thomas Lemberger. Real-World Software Verification with CPAchecker. Conference talk at 8th International Workshop on CPAchecker (CPA 2023), 11. September 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Software Model Checking, CPAchecker Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{CPA23-RealWorld, author = {Thomas Lemberger}, title = {Real-World Software Verification with CPAchecker}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-09-11_CPA23_Real_World_Verification_with_CPAchecker_Thomas.pdf}, keyword = {Software Model Checking, CPAchecker}, day = {11}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {September}, venue = {<a href="https://cpa.sosy-lab.org/2023/">8th International Workshop on CPAchecker (CPA 2023)</a>}, }
  3. Po-Chun Chien. CPA-DF: A Tool for Configurable Interval Analysis to Boost Program Verification. Conference talk at ASE, 13. September 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Software Model Checking, Cooperative Verification, CPAchecker Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{ASE23-CPADF, author = {Po-Chun Chien}, title = {{CPA-DF}: {A} Tool for Configurable Interval Analysis to Boost Program Verification}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-09-13_ASE_CPA-DF_Po-Chun.pdf}, keyword = {Software Model Checking, Cooperative Verification, CPAchecker}, day = {13}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {September}, venue = {ASE}, }
  4. Dirk Beyer. Bridging Hardware and Software Analysis with Btor2C: A Word-Level-Circuit-to-C Translator. Conference talk at AVM, 13. September 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Software Model Checking, Cooperative Verification, Btor2 Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{AVM23Btor2C, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Bridging Hardware and Software Analysis with {Btor2C}: {A} Word-Level-Circuit-to-{C} Translator}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-09-13_AVM23_Bridging_Hardware_and_Software_Analysis_with_Btor2C_Dirk.pdf}, keyword = {Software Model Checking, Cooperative Verification, Btor2}, day = {13}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {September}, venue = {AVM}, }
  5. Philipp Wendler. Handling Flaky Regression Tests in CPAchecker. Conference talk at 8th International Workshop on CPAchecker (CPA 2023), 11. September 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): CPAchecker Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{CPA23-FlakyTests, author = {Philipp Wendler}, title = {Handling Flaky Regression Tests in CPAchecker}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-09-11_CPA23_Handling_Flaky_Regression_Tests_in_CPAchecker_Philipp.pdf}, keyword = {CPAchecker}, day = {11}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {September}, venue = {<a href="https://cpa.sosy-lab.org/2023/">8th International Workshop on CPAchecker (CPA 2023)</a>}, }
  6. Dirk Beyer. Software Model Checking: 20 Years and Beyond. Conference talk at CPAchecker, 11. September 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Software Model Checking, CPAchecker Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{CPAchecker23SMC20Years, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Software Model Checking: 20 Years and Beyond}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-09-11_CPAcheckerWS23_SoftwareModelChecking_Dirk.pdf}, keyword = {Software Model Checking, CPAchecker}, day = {11}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {September}, venue = {CPAchecker}, }
  7. Po-Chun Chien. CPA-DF: A Tool for Configurable Interval Analysis to Boost Program Verification. Conference talk at 8th International Workshop on CPAchecker (CPA 2023), 11. September 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Software Model Checking, Cooperative Verification, CPAchecker Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{CPA23-CPADF, author = {Po-Chun Chien}, title = {{CPA-DF}: {A} Tool for Configurable Interval Analysis to Boost Program Verification}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-09-11_CPA_CPA-DF_Po-Chun.pdf}, keyword = {Software Model Checking, Cooperative Verification, CPAchecker}, day = {11}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {September}, venue = {<a href="https://cpa.sosy-lab.org/2023/">8th International Workshop on CPAchecker (CPA 2023)</a>}, }
  8. Dirk Beyer. Cooperative Verification. Conference talk at Dagstuhl on Abstract Interpretation, 11. July 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Competition on Software Testing Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{Dagstuhl23-Coop, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Cooperative Verification}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-07-11_Dagstuhl23_CooperativeVerification_Dirk.pdf}, keyword = {Competition on Software Testing}, day = {11}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {July}, venue = {Dagstuhl on Abstract Interpretation}, }
  9. Dirk Beyer. 5th Competition on Software Testing. Conference talk at FASE 2023, 27. April 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Competition on Software Testing Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{FASE23-TestComp, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {5th Competition on Software Testing}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-04-27_FASE23_Test-Comp_Dirk.pdf}, keyword = {Competition on Software Testing}, day = {27}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {April}, venue = {FASE 2023}, }
  10. Dirk Beyer. 5th Competition on Software Testing. Conference talk at ETAPS 2023 – European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, 26. April 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Competition on Software Testing Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{TOOLympics23-TestComp, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {5th Competition on Software Testing}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-04-26_TOOLympics23_Test-Comp_Dirk.pdf}, keyword = {Competition on Software Testing}, day = {26}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {April}, venue = {<a href="https://etaps.org/2023/">ETAPS 2023 – European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software</a>}, }
  11. Dirk Beyer. 12th Competition on Software Verification. Conference talk at ETAPS 2023 – European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, 26. April 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Competition on Software Verification Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{TOOLympics23-SVCOMP, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {12th Competition on Software Verification}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-04-26_TOOLympics23_SV-COMP_Dirk.pdf}, keyword = {Competition on Software Verification}, day = {26}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {April}, venue = {<a href="https://etaps.org/2023/">ETAPS 2023 – European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software</a>}, }
  12. Dirk Beyer. TOOLympics 2023: Competitions in Formal Methods. Conference talk at ETAPS 2023 – European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, 26. April 2023. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{TOOLympics23-Intro, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {TOOLympics 2023: Competitions in Formal Methods}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-04-26_TOOLympics23_Intro_Dirk.pdf}, keyword = {}, day = {26}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {April}, venue = {<a href="https://etaps.org/2023/">ETAPS 2023 – European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software</a>}, }
  13. Po-Chun Chien. Bridging Hardware and Software Analysis with Btor2C: A Word-Level-Circuit-to-C Translator. Conference talk at TACAS, 26. April 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Software Model Checking, Cooperative Verification, Btor2 Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{TACAS23-Btor2C, author = {Po-Chun Chien}, title = {Bridging Hardware and Software Analysis with {Btor2C}: {A} Word-Level-Circuit-to-{C} Translator}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-04-26_TACAS23_Bridging_Hardware_and_Software_Analysis_with_Btor2C_Po-Chun.pdf}, keyword = {Software Model Checking, Cooperative Verification, Btor2}, day = {26}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {April}, venue = {TACAS}, }
  14. Dirk Beyer. 12th Competition on Software Verification. Conference talk at TACAS 2023, 24. April 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Competition on Software Verification Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{TACAS23-SVCOMP-Poster, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {12th Competition on Software Verification}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/pst/2023-04-24_TACAS23_SV-COMP_Poster.pdf}, keyword = {Competition on Software Verification}, day = {24}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {April}, venue = {TACAS 2023}, }
  15. Dirk Beyer. 12th Competition on Software Verification. Conference talk at TACAS 2023, 24. April 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Competition on Software Verification Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{TACAS23-SVCOMP, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {12th Competition on Software Verification}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-04-24_TACAS23_SV-COMP_Dirk.pdf}, keyword = {Competition on Software Verification}, day = {24}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {April}, venue = {TACAS 2023}, }
  16. Daniel Baier, Dirk Beyer, Thomas Bunk, Po-Chun Chien, Matthias Kettl, Nian-Ze Lee, Martin Spiessl, Henrik Wachowitz, and Philipp Wendler. CPAchecker (Competition Contribution for SV-COMP ’23). Conference talk at TACAS 2023, 24. April 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Software Model Checking, CPAchecker Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{TACAS23-CPAchecker-Poster, author = {Daniel Baier and Dirk Beyer and Thomas Bunk and Po-Chun Chien and Matthias Kettl and Nian-Ze Lee and Martin Spiessl and Henrik Wachowitz and Philipp Wendler}, title = {CPAchecker (Competition Contribution for SV-COMP ’23)}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/pst/2023-04-24_TACAS23_CPAchecker_Poster.pdf}, keyword = {Software Model Checking, CPAchecker}, day = {24}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {April}, venue = {TACAS 2023}, }
  17. Dirk Beyer. 5th Competition on Software Testing (TEST-COMP ’23). Conference talk at FASE 2023, 24. April 2023. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{FASE23-TestComp-Poster, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {5th Competition on Software Testing (TEST-COMP ’23)}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/pst/2023-04-24_FASE23_Test-Comp_Poster.pdf}, keyword = {}, day = {24}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {April}, venue = {FASE 2023}, }
  18. Dirk Beyer. A Library of Formal-Methods Tools. Conference talk at COOP 2023, 23. April 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Cooperative Verification Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{COOP23FormalsMethodsTools, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {A Library of Formal-Methods Tools}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-04-23_COOP23_FormalsMethodsTools_Dirk.pdf}, keyword = {Cooperative Verification}, day = {23}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {April}, venue = {COOP 2023}, }
  19. Po-Chun Chien. Augmenting Interpolation-Based Model Checking with Auxiliary Invariants. Conference talk at 4th Workshop on Cooperative Software Verification (COOP 2023), 23. April 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Software Model Checking, Cooperative Verification, CPAchecker Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{COOP23-IMCDF, author = {Po-Chun Chien}, title = {Augmenting Interpolation-Based Model Checking with Auxiliary Invariants}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-04-23_COOP23_Augmenting_Interpolation-Based_Model_Checking_with_Auxiliary_Invariants_Po-Chun.pdf}, keyword = {Software Model Checking, Cooperative Verification, CPAchecker}, day = {23}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {April}, venue = {<a href="https://coop.sosy-lab.org/2023/">4th Workshop on Cooperative Software Verification (COOP 2023)</a>}, }
  20. Philipp Wendler. Reliable Benchmarking: Requirements and Solutions. Conference talk at RRRR 2023 – 2nd Workshop on Reproducibility and Replication of Research Results, 22. April 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Benchmarking Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{RRRR23Benchmarking, author = {Philipp Wendler}, title = {Reliable Benchmarking: Requirements and Solutions}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-04-22_RRRR23_Benchmarking_Philipp.pdf}, keyword = {Benchmarking}, day = {22}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {April}, venue = {<a href="https://qcomp.org/rrrr/2023/">RRRR 2023 – 2nd Workshop on Reproducibility and Replication of Research Results</a>}, }
  21. Dirk Beyer. Benchmarking in Computer Science and Competition on Software Verification. Conference talk at Masaryk University, Brno, 21. March 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Benchmarking Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{Brno23Benchmarking, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Benchmarking in Computer Science and Competition on Software Verification}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-03-21_Brno23_Benchmarking_Dirk.pdf}, keyword = {Benchmarking}, day = {21}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {March}, venue = {Masaryk University, Brno}, }
  22. Dirk Beyer. Verification Tools, Exchange Formats, and Combination Approaches. Conference talk at Euro Proof Net WG3 Cost Action 2023, 08. February 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Cooperative Verification Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{COST23Combinations, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Verification Tools, Exchange Formats, and Combination Approaches}, year = {2023}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2023-02-08_EuroProofNet23-WG3_VerificationToolsExchangeFormatsCombinationApproaches_Dirk.pdf}, keyword = {Cooperative Verification}, day = {08}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {February}, venue = {Euro Proof Net WG3 Cost Action 2023}, }

Thesis defenses

  1. Winnie Lilith Sofia Ros. Extending the JavaSMT Framework with the Apron Library for Numerical Abstract Domain with subsequent Usability Assessment. Defense at LMU Munich, 22. December 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Apron, SMT, Abstract Interpretation, JavaSMT
    BibTeX Entry
    @defense{RosBA, author = {Winnie Lilith Sofia Ros}, title = {Extending the JavaSMT Framework with the Apron Library for Numerical Abstract Domain with subsequent Usability Assessment}, year = {2023}, keyword = {Apron, SMT, Abstract Interpretation, JavaSMT}, day = {22}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {December}, venue = {LMU Munich}, }
  2. Daniel Raffler. Adding the SMT solver OpenSMT2 to the JavaSMT Framework and Evaluation using CPAchecker. Defense at LMU Munich, 13. September 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): SMT, JavaSMT, OpenSMT2, CPAchecker
    BibTeX Entry
    @defense{RafflerBA, author = {Daniel Raffler}, title = {Adding the SMT solver OpenSMT2 to the JavaSMT Framework and Evaluation using CPAchecker}, year = {2023}, keyword = {SMT, JavaSMT, OpenSMT2, CPAchecker}, day = {13}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {September}, venue = {LMU Munich}, }
  3. Janelle King. Implementing a Solver-Independent SMT-LIB2 Parser-Interpreter and Code-Generator for JavaSMT with Subsequent Evaluation. Defense at LMU Munich, 20. December 2023. Link to this entry Keyword(s): JavaSMT, SMT-LIB2, SMT, CPAchecker
    BibTeX Entry
    @defense{KingBA, author = {Janelle King}, title = {Implementing a Solver-Independent SMT-LIB2 Parser-Interpreter and Code-Generator for JavaSMT with Subsequent Evaluation}, year = {2023}, keyword = {JavaSMT, SMT-LIB2, SMT, CPAchecker}, day = {20}, field = {Computer Science}, month = {December}, venue = {LMU Munich}, }


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Last modified: Wed Feb 05 11:14:28 2025 UTC